This month we have a team of coaches - Aaron Rothchild, Claire Motsinger, and Jaycee McRoberts; all are senior undergraduate nursing students at Ohio State University and Healthy LifeStars Coaches. These coaches jumped in right from the beginning and were so fun, engaging, and worked with the kids to have a great time. These coaches really connected with the kids through zoom right into their 3rd-grade classroom at Emmanuel Christian Academy in Springfield.

Our LifeStar of the Month is Beckham Allison, a 3rd grader at Emmanuel Christian Academy in Springfield and is the Healthy LifeStar kid of the month. According to his teacher Ms. Madayln Green, Beckham is always participating in the activities and discussions during the Healthy LifeStars zoom. He always gives 100% of his effort in following along in the physical activities. He is a very athletic student and loves to play soccer and frisbee outside with his peers. He has shared that even at home he does two hours of physical activities after school each day. The main reason his teacher wanted to recognize Beckham is because of his A+ effort, it's good to recognize this important skill because trying your best can really go a long way!