It's that time again! Time to put your foursome together and join us for a fun charity golf outing on Sunday, September 11th at Champions Golf Course, Columbus, Ohio.
Thank you for your participation last year! You helped us raise over $10,000 to help the kids in Central Ohio learn skills for living their most healthy lives with programs that help them set goals to eat right and stay active.
Over the last year, with low access to kids, we set to work converting our programs to virtual with a lot of success. Now we can reach the kids in person and virtually! Also, we launched our new website with free resources for families and groups, so please take a look at
This year we have a goal to raise $20,000 and we need your help. Here are the ways you can help us make this a successful event.
- Register your foursome at at $150 per person or $600 for the foursome.
- Register your business to be a Hole Sponsor at for $250
- Make a personal donation at of any amount...$50 covers the cost of 1 kid, $100 covers the cost of 2 kids, $500 covers the cost of 10 kids and $1,000 covers the cost of a classroom of kids in the LifeStar Challenge™ program.
Join us for an opportunity to play Champions Golf Club AND benefit an important charitable cause.
2022 Healthy LifeStars Charity Golf Sponsors include: