Samantha Kilbane was selected for the Healthy LifeStars Coach of the Month for December. Samantha is a senior student who will be graduating from The Ohio State University - College of Nursing in May 2021. Samantha became involved with Healthy LifeStars as a coach through her Community Health Nursing class this semester.
According to Samantha, Nurses working in the community setting have an increased focus on the promotion of health and prevention of disease. This important and crucial aspect of healthcare is often overlooked. Healthy LifeStars is an amazing example of health promotion through educating school aged kids about healthy and balanced diets, the importance of daily physical activity, and how to set personal goals. Healthy LifeStars incorporates 30 minutes of fun physical activity with each lesson. Healthy Life Stars is also extremely beneficial to the individuals involved as these concepts are being taught at a young age, which will help to instill lifelong health enhancing habits.

For his healthy habits, Lussio Escalona is Healthy LifeStars student of the month for December. Lussio is a kindergarten student participant at the Ohio Hispanic Coalition Full Day Programming 2020-2021 “Niños en Accion”
Despite his young age, Lussio always chooses healthy snacks; he understands the importance of adding fruits and vegetables to his dishes. He talks with his friends and teachers about the importance of breakfast for children and getting more than cereal and milk (eggs, smoothies, fruits). He also chooses healthful beverages. He explains the importance of sometimes he can drink some juice or soft drink, but that the most important thing is water.